I was born in Canada and lived there most of my life but in 2011 I moved to the US. I currently live with my wonderfully supportive hubby & super cute Shih Tzu, Maddi, here in beautiful Houston, Texas. I luv to create and share with others. I sell my handmade creations on Etsy & Ebay. My favorite things are butterflies, fairies, all things pink and of course anything sweet. I'm addicted to Twilight and I luv Robert Pattinson/Edward Cullen!
Pic of one of my younger sisters and I. This was taken a year ago in Vancouver. This was when I went back to get married. Here my sis and I were just finished getting ready to go out for dinner with family. My sis is currently traveling around the UK and soon she will be settling there to work. Miss you lots Tanya. Lub ya!!
Here's some pix of Maddi chillin on my parcels. I didn't open them up for a couple of days becase she loved laying on them so much. She would bring her toys over and play on it and she would take naps on it. It was sooo cute!!
We took Maddi to the Vet on Sat for her shot and she got weighed as always. Our growing little girl is now exactly 8lbs. She is now 17 weeks old.
Pix of Maddi's first bath taken in mid July. After her bath she was all pooped out and just wanted to relax. You can see how skinny she really is when she's wet. When she's all dry she's a big ball of fluff.
Christmas in August! I just finished an x'mas layout and will be listing it on Ebay later tonight. I really like the bear that's peeking out of the present.
Just completed a new scrapbook double page layout. I will be listing it on Ebay later this evening. Drop by and get a closer look at all the cute stuff I put on the layout. This layout is full of glitter. Unfortunitely it was not as sunny this morning so the pix don't show just how glittery the layout really is.
I was trying to take pix of my scrapbook layouts today and Maddi was trying to walk all over them. I had to take the pix by the sliding door so that I could get the natural light from outside so that they layouts would show up better. I had the layouts on a big cardboard on the floor and Maddi decided to step all over it after she had been sitting where the sliding door opens. Her paws got dirty from sitting there but lucky she only make the cardboard dirty with her paw prints and not the layouts. I don't see how laying there is comfy for her...lol.
Don't laugh at Maddi's face and head. I gave her a trim for the first time this weekend and went a little scissor happy and cut off way too much off her muzzle and the top of her head. She has a rat face now...haha. Next time I gotta resist cutting so much off and I gotta cut it more even. Poor Maddi. My hubby kept telling me to stop cutting so much off but I didn't listen as you can see.
Here are my lastest creations. I just finished a girl playtime and a boy playtime 12x12 double page scrapbook layouts. I will be listing them on Ebay for auction later tonight. It was really fun making these cute pages. I thought I wouldn't be able to make the boy playtime one because all I ever do is girly and pink...lol. This is my first boy layout and I think it turned out pretty well. Drop by my ebay tonight to get a closer look of all the details.
Maddi playing with her squeeky mini tennis ball. She always holds it at the side of her mouth. She's getting bigger as you get tell from the pix. She is now 5.4lbs. She's just the cutest thing.
Here's a sneak peak of what I just completed. It's a girl playtime double page 12x12 scrapbook layout that I will be listing on Ebay either at the end of the week or beginning of next week. I want to make more layouts before I list it.
A wedding card I made this Sat for my gf's wedding that my hubby and I attended. It was a beautiful wedding at a lovely golf club. I recieved my metallic sewing threads last week so I wanted to use it on this card to see how it would look. The thread is really nice. You can't tell show shimmery it is because of the flash on my camera. I can't wait to use it on my scrapbook page layouts.