Maddi luvs to chew on the flaps that hold together her kennel. She's learned how to open them up for better chewing. Here's a pic of her sleeping. Guess it must be tiring to chew it as she fell asleep while she was chewing it...haha.
Today I'm having my first sewing lessons at Sears. The lessons are free and unlimited because hubby purchased a sewing machine for me from Sears. I am sure I will need at least 2 lessons. Each lesson is for 1hr. I want to know how to use every single option on my machine. I can't wait!!
Today is the 2nd time Maddi will be left home alone. The first time she was good and went potty on her training mats but she went crazy in her playpen and moved the whole thing and all her toys and bed were toss all over. This time I am going to play with her alot before I leave so that I can get her all tired so that she sleeps most of the time that I'm gone. She usually naps around the time I am going out so I hope she has a long nap. I sure don't want to come home and see pee and poop smashed all over the the place *crossing fingers & toes*.